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Healthy With Kathy

Acupuncture & Herbs
Worldwide Lectures as an Acupuncture Specialist
2019 | Traditional and Medical Saam Acupuncture, TCM Kongress Rothenburg o.d.T., Germany |
2019 | Traditional and Medical Saam Acupuncture for Pregnant Women, American Association of Korean Medicine Conference, New Jersey, USA |
2019 | Saam Acupuncture Level 1&2, Donguibogam Academy, New York, USA |
2018 | “Saam” Korean Style Acupuncture, Donguibogam Academy, World Acupuncture Day, WSCDA Congress, Paris, France |
2018 | Traditional and Medical Saam Acupuncture, Donguibogam Academy, University of Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA |
2017 | Korean Medicine and Saam Acupuncture, Donguibogam Academy, Minnesota, USA |
2017 | Clinical Use of 68 Single Herbal Preparations Used in Korean National Healthcare, Hundred Meetings, British Conference of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, Reading, England |
2017 | East-West Collaboration and Integrative Treatment Packages for Advanced Care, 2017 Korean Medicine Seminar and Business Meeting, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates |
2017 | Acupuncture for Preventive, Adjunctive, and Rehabilitative Treatment in Heart Diseases, Symposium for East-West Collaborative Treatment and Research, National Rehabilitation Center, Seoul, Korea |
2017 | Integrating Qualitative Research Methodology into Medical Research: Focusing on Korean Medicine, Dong Shin University Korean Medicine Hospital 2017 Annual Conference, Seoul, Korea |
2016 | East-West Medical Research & Institute, Joint Conference of WHO Collaborating Centers for Traditional Medicine, Macau, China |
2013 | Overview of Traditional Korean Medicine in the Hospital, Dongdaemun District High School Career Development Program, Seoul, Korea |
2013 | What is Traditional Korean Medicine? Korean-Japanese Medical Student Collaborative Program, Seoul, Korea |
2012 | Bee Venom Acupuncture Treatment and Its Uses, Kyung-Hee & U-Penn Collaborative Student Program, Seoul, Korea |

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